Last week I gave out over 500 copies of Vyken Dark on a special promo as Jolt Somber was coming out of Kindle Unlimited. I’ve decided to take this series wide so it can be available in Kobo Plus. The rest of the books in the series will transition in November after they come out of Kindle Unlimited at the end of October.
All of Cyborg Awakenings will continue to be available at Amazon along with the paperback. I am publishing through Smashwords which is now part of Draft2Digital. I will also make them available through Google Play. The Aledan Series will follow them. By taking them wide, I hope a new audience will discover them.
Also Free and wide is Cyborg Awakenings, the prequel to the series. The Cyborg Awakenings prequel gives background on the war the cyborgs fought for 100 years, and the romance of Danya’s parents in post apocalyptic Chicago. Danya becomes Vyken Dark’s mate as an adult. The rest of the series is in Kindle Unlimited.

Although I wrote the Aledan Series first, Cyborg Awakenings series and Cyborg Ranger series precede the Aledan in the fictional timeline. I spent months studying cyborg romance fiction before deciding to write my own series. Since cyborgs were most often made to fight wars, I needed a war to fight.
Earth was in ruin when ship taking Hankura to Velran passed over in orbit because of an alien attack a few hundred years before. So, I decided to introduce my cyborgs there.