Sci-Fi and ContemporaryRomance Author and Indie Publisher

Christine Myers, also known by her pen names Clarissa Lake and C. A. Marz, developed a passion for science fiction at the age of eight after watching the classic film The Day the Earth Stood Still. Her love for the genre, particularly science fiction romance with interstellar space travel and a touch of space opera, has been a constant in her life. Influenced by the works of Robert Heinlein, especially the Lazarus Long series like Time Enough for Love, and Marta Randall’s Journey, Christine’s writing reflects her deep appreciation for the genre.
A devoted fan of Star Trek, Firefly, Farscape, and the Moody Blues, Christine grew up immersed in the world of science fiction. She spent years attending science fiction and fantasy conventions, where she met and learned from legendary authors like Anne McCaffrey, C.J. Cherryh, George R.R. Martin, Ben Bova, Timothy Zahn, Frederik Pohl, and Orson Scott Card.
After years of submitting manuscripts to traditional publishers without success, Christine discovered Kindle Direct Publishing and embraced the world of indie publishing. Blending her love for science fiction with a desire for more romance in the genre, she began writing steamy, romantic stories set in the cosmos.
In addition to publishing through Kindle, Christine has expanded her reach by distributing her books widely through Smashwords, Kobo Plus, and direct sales on Payhip. Her works under the pen names Clarissa Lake and C. A. Marz continue to captivate readers with their unique blend of science fiction and romance.