The Aledan Series

Adult SciFi Romance Set in Space Opera

One lonely night two scared psion children reach out to each other with their minds and forge a bond that will last a lifetime.When Hankura Narcaza is grown, he realizes he must go to Earth and find her. The Aledan Series is scifi romance set in space opera, part science fiction, part adventure and part family saga. It starts with Hankura and Chelle (Michelle) whose love story is carried through the series with a new romance between central characters in each subsequent book of the series.

Aledan series is my premier series. The Aledan Psion Was my first full length novel that I started writing many years ago. It’s gone through many changes since then With six additional books and a prequel in the series. Each novel has been re edited And republished with new covers in celebration of my latest release in the series Lanimer.

It all started with a premise That if you could read someones mind, especially someone you loved, that you could understand them better And openly share your love. I explored a lot of social issues in this series centered around the two main characters in the first three books, then the children in the next three books: Psions Children, Calan, and Lanimer.

The Aledan Series is written for adults and contains explicit sex scenes, yet the stories are character driven and deal with many social issues that we face today.I used somewhat the same premise as Gene Roddenberry used for the Star Trek. He took current issues and sent them in science fiction space opera. Where in the original Star Trek, the main characters never paired off into long term committed relationships, my characters do. However, sharing life with even a psion mate doesn’t exactly turn out to be happily ever after. They have their share of problems, and even telepaths can hide their feelings from their psi-mates.

Initially, the first two books were with five years in between. I had written this other book, The Horsemen of Demus, which I never published. There were enough parallels with the Aledan Series plotline that Hankura and Chelle and company became the “star seekers” from that book. I renamed it Oltarin, The Horse Clans Colony.

I felt I needed a lighter story after the end of The Aledan Psion and before the heartbreaking story Surviving Zevus Mar. Yet, even the ending of Surviving Zevus Mar is uplifting.

The rest of the books center around the children with a bit of intrigue in Psion Factor.

Interestingly, I spun off two cyborg romance series from the Aledan series based on the backstory of Chelle and her brother living in the ruins of Farringay on an Earth laid waste by an interstellar war. In fact, Chelle’s ancestors are cyborgs, which is hinted in the Cyborg Awakenings Series.

Psion Mates

One lonely night two scared children reach out to make a connection that will change their lives forever. Hankura Narcaza is the Aledan boy and Michelle Marlow is the little girl on Earth who claims his heart and soul through their psionic connection. This prequel leads up to the beginning of book one of the series and ends in a cliffhanger though it reveals events previously mentioned only briefly in book one of the Aledan Series. Hankura’s lifelong friends Casir and Delmran meet on Velran at the University of Learn school for human psions.

The Aledan Psion

The Aledan Psion and Hankura’s family sent him away to school on a far-off world when he was only ten to spare him from the torturous mind conditioning of psions on Aledus. On his way he touched the mind of Michelle, a frightened little girl. Neither child realized they had forged a mental connection that would last the rest of their lives. It didn’t come back to haunt him until after she reached puberty. The connection grew stronger, haunting his dreams, and coming between Hankura and a woman he thought he loved. When she was almost killed in a street fight, Hankura knew he must go to Earth and find her. A psion mate bond cannot be broken. Attempting to break that bond could destroy them both or at least their sanity. But life for psion mates is not perfect. Even though he loves her deeply, Hankura selfishly puts his needs before Michelle’s. They struggle to find balance in their relationship in world with discriminating psion laws, and family dynamics that test them to the limits. Adult Content, Sexual Situations, No Cliff Hanger HFN Ending.

Oltarin, The Horse Clans Colony

The Aledan joins the explorations’ Searching Star crew, still recovering from his mother’s telepathic attack.

Hankura and Chelle recommit to their life together as they prepare to embark on the Searching Star, an exploration ship with a mission to find new worlds for colonization and reconnect with lost colonies.

Their lives are on an intersecting course with the horse clans of Oltarin, a lost colony torn by a 500-year-old blood feud primarily between the mountain clans and the lake clans. Their society devolved from space-faring into rival clans who rode horses and fought each other with swords, knives, and crossbows.

On his way to send the message from the ancient shuttle, Brandt McKell, son of the Mountain clans’ chieftain, rides to help a lone rider being chased by four renegades. He can hardly believe his luck when that rider turns out to be the daughter of the Lake clans’ chieftain—his deadly enemy. It’s not exactly love at first sight, but sparks fly, and passion ignites.

It’s up to the crew of the Searching Star to determine if these people can settle their differences and claim their rightful place in the Federation.

Surviving Zevus Mar

What if you could share love in its purest form mind to mind all in the span of a thought? What if you could feel what they feel when you touch them and know beyond all doubt that you are loved as well? What if someone took that person from you and did unspeakable things to hurt them—and you felt all that pain as though it were your own?

What would you do to make it stop? How do you go on with your life afterward? Hankura and Chelle are psion mates who share a telepathic bond. He is Chief Medical Officer and Chelle is a master Med-tech on the Searching Star exploration ship. The pair are telepaths that share a passionate, loving relationship.

The ship is captured by a Tregan invaders at Zevus Mar when it locks into orbit. The takeover is violent and bloody. Hankura must surrender or watch them kill his wife. He feels her anguish through their telepathic bond when she is raped repeatedly and tortured. He vows revenge, watching and waiting for his chance.

He makes his break forced to kill every Tregan soldier who gets in his way. When it’s over, the memories still haunt them causing them to retreat from each other’s pain.Is love enough to bring them back together? Author Warning: **Mild Language**Graphic Sex Scenes**Intended for Adults Only**Possible Triggers**

Psion Factor

Captain Otian and crew are forced to land on the backwater planet of Oltarin. Their star drive is blown and they have no funds to replace it.

Hankura’s son has been in a catatonic state since his psionic powers started dawning. He needs passage for himself and his family to Velran to get him help. No other starship will take them because both their children are dawning psions.

Otian and his crew are leery but agree to take the chance in exchange for funds to repair their ship. It becomes a spiritual journey as well as a physical one.

Only danger comes not from the children but Hankura’s old enemies. The same enemies his childhood friend Delmran has come to Velran to fight.

Delmran also finds love with Lishaad, a double agent. But for which side?

Psion’s Children

Jamerin Narcaza was the strongest human psion alive. They called him the Promised One; his mission is to free the Psions of Aledus. Only the Wholaskans of Velran were strong enough to control him, so they taught him to control himself by following the strict Psion Code of Ethics.

Because he revered the Wholaskans Jamerin adhered to those principals until he met her. Parei was his psi-mate, and they were going to take her away. That’s when he went against everything he had been taught to control his parents’ minds and make them let Parei stay.

How could a boy so bad be destined to perform a task so honorable? Can the Wholaskan’s reform him where his parents can’t? Will he destroy their minds like his grandmother nearly had years before he was born.

Revised and remastered.

Calan, Psion Factor Son

Calan Narcaza is a smart, sexy, psion who does “parlor tricks.” Like his father before him, he has come back to Earth to find his psion mate, Ajha Lann in Farringay. He has felt Ajha Lann reaching out to him for several years. He knew that for her to reach him over such interstellar distance could only mean that she was his psion mate.

He knows the dangers from the stories of his mother’s life on Earth in Farringay before his father came to find her. Only Calan has a different plan…

Instead of taking Ajha to his homeworld, Calan is going to stay and make a life there. He has bought an empty industrial complex on the outskirts of the ruins to convert into a refuge for the community he wants to build.

It’s a simple plan with unexpected complications.

Lanimer, Return to Zevus Mar

Thirty years after the Tregan invasion that killed his parents, Lanimer Dakov’s recurring dreams seem to be calling him back to Zevus Mar. Because he was a telepathic psion, his parents made their friend Hankura Narcaza Lanimer’s Guardian in case something happened to them. They took him to Oltarin to live with them, along with his Zevians governess and the Tregans who rescued them.

After Val’kara Clinic on Zevus Mar offers him a position as a doctor, he receives a holographic message from the young Trakellisan human hybrid named Evalee. From the moment she saw his holographic acceptance message, she knew she wanted him. Knowing that he is telepathic, she realizes he will sense her attraction as soon as they meet. Evalee decides honesty is the best course of action, and she sends him a private message explaining the situation.