Choosing a Cover Man for Vinder’s Christmas

Sometimes the hardest part of my job is picking a cover man for my book. Currently there are 5 contenders. On the right is number 1.

I am running a giveaway on my TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook group for readers to vote on the cover they like best. The voting is to help me decide, but everyone who comments on one of those posts will be put in a drawing for a signed paperback of the finished book which I hope to release in November before Cyborg Monday.

To enter the giveaway drawing, go to one of the links below and leave your comment.

Hello world!

Welcome to my brand new website under construction. I am an indie author of steamy scifi romance written under my name and the pen name Clarissa Lake. Things were getting kind of crazy running two websites and producing two newsletters like I am not one person writing under two names.

I took the pen name Clarissa Lake a few years back when I started writing erotic romance. Now that everything is spicy I decided to consolidate and simply started putting both names on my new books.

As my books come out of Kindle Unlimited, I am planning to take them wide and even sell from this website eventually. When I take them wide, I will put them into Kobo Plus which is similar to Kindle Unlimited without the restrictive exclusivity.